Syllabus (lectures 10-16 are tentative); Student Presentations: Guidelines and Paper List;
Midterm Proposal Outline: Guidelines
Download RStudio; Download R programming language; Download QGIS (choose LTR: Long Term Version)
- Lecture 1 (2/25/2025): Introduction, Urbanization in China (lecture notes)
- Required: Chauvin, Juan Pablo, Glaeser, Edward, Ma, Yueran, and Tobio, Kristina, “What is Different about Urbanization in Rich and Poor Countries? Cities in Brazil, China, India, and the United States.” Journal of Urban Economics, 2016
- Optional: Dingel, Jonathan I., Miscio, Antonio, Davis, Donald R., “Cities, Lights, and Skills in Developing Economies,” Journal of Urban Economics, 2020
- Optional: J. Vernon Henderson, “Urbanization in China: Policy Issues and Options,” Recommendation to China Economic Research and Advisory Program, 2009
- Gibrat’s Law to Zipf simulation video
- Lecture 2 (3/3): Monocentric City Model (lecture notes)
- Required: Brueckner, Jan K., “The Structure of Urban Equilibria: A Unified Treatment of the Muth-Mills Model”, Ch. 20, Handbook of Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol 2, 1987
- Optional: Duranton, Gilles and Puga, Diego, “Urban Land Use”, Handbook of Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol 5, 2015.
- The first two sections (up to p14) cover the basic model from our class.
- Optional: Fujita, Masahisa, “Urban Economic Theory: Land Use and City Size,” Cambridge University Press, 1989.
- Chapters 2 and 3
- R Notebook with simple simulation, code (.Rmd file)
- Lecture 3 (3/10): Monocentric City Model and Transportation Modes (lecture notes)
- Required: Jerch, Rhiannon, Barwick, Panle Jia, Li, Shanjun, and Wu, Jing. “Road Rationing Policies and Housing Markets,” Journal of Urban Economics, 2024
- Optional: LeRoy, Stephen F. and Sonstelie, Jon, “Paradise Lost and Regained: Transportation Innovation, Income, and Residential Location”, Journal of Urban Economics, 1983
- Lecture 4 (3/17): Transportation and Decentralization in China (lecture notes)
- Required: Baum-Snow, Brandt, Henderson, Turner, Zhang. “Roads, Railroads and Decentralization of Chinese Cities,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 2017